Black territory of Rosário: anti-racist museum education and educating cities in the context of climate change

Educación Museal Antirracista y las Ciudades Educadoras en el Contexto del Cambio Climático




Anti-racist museum education; Right to the city; Black communities; Urban pedagogies


This article explores the intersection between anti-racist museum education and the right to the city, through reflections based on the extension project “Território Negro do Rosário: Preserving the Collection and Anti-Racist Museum Education”, in light of the perspective of educating cities and their contemporary implications. It adopts a decolonial and dialogical approach, investigating ethnic-racial relations and the impact of structural racism on the organization of urban space and its climate change. This study is inserted in the context of the UNESCO UniTwin Network - City that Educates and Transforms, articulating the right to the city with issues of sustainability, ecological transition and emerging urban pedagogies in the face of climate change. The analysis covers the challenges faced by black communities, highlighting how museum education practices can contribute to a plural city, reinforcing the role of urban spaces as educational agents.

Author Biographies

Daiane Rossi, Universidade Franciscana - UFN

Licenciada em História (UFN), Mestre em História (UFSM),Doutora em História das Ciências e da Saúde pela Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC/Fiocruz). Fez pós-doutorado com bolsa Faperj nota-10 na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz). Atualmente é professora na Universidade Franciscana (UFN).

Karlla Kamylla Passos

Graduada em Museologia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG); doutora em Museologia pela Universidade Lusófona; mestra em Divulgação da Ciência, Tecnologia e Saúde na Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz. Atualmente é bolsista ADC-CNPq no projeto “Acessibilidade e inclusão nos museus do Instituto Butantan: tecnologia assistiva e formação de equipes”.



How to Cite

Rossi, D., & Passos, K. K. (2025). Black territory of Rosário: anti-racist museum education and educating cities in the context of climate change: Educación Museal Antirracista y las Ciudades Educadoras en el Contexto del Cambio Climático. Disciplinarum Scientia | Ciências Humanas, 25(2), 15–29.



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