The implementation of Value-Added Tax (VAT) in Brazil




tax burden, reducing, tax on the added value


This study discusses the feasibility and possible impacts of the implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT) in Brazil. Therefore, it exposes the concept and the historical evolution of VAT, discusses the model used in the European Union and analyzes the Brazilian fiscal environment, in order to know the parameters for the determination of VAT. The method used is the deductive operationalized through literature review and qualitative documentary research relevant to the theme addressed, which if conducted properly, this initiative can contribute to the improvement of tax collection, to simplify the tax system and increase the economic efficiency of the country. However, for the implementation of VAT to be effective, it is important that the government work together with the sectors of civil society and representatives of both industry and trade.

Author Biographies

Fernanda de Holanda Paiva Nunes, Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB)

Especialista em Ordem Jurídica e Ministério Público pela Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público do Distrito Federal e Territórios (FESMPDFT). Bacharela em Direito pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB). Advogada.

Joedson de Souza Delgado, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Doutorando em Direito na Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Mestre em Direito pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB). Servidor público federal.



How to Cite

de Holanda Paiva Nunes, F., & de Souza Delgado, J. (2024). The implementation of Value-Added Tax (VAT) in Brazil. Disciplinarum Scientia | Sociais Aplicadas, 20(1), 35–48.


