
  • Inês Alves Lourenço Sociedade Caritativa e Literária São Francisco de Assis Zona Norte - SCALIFRA-ZN



Franciscan Itinerry, Ongoing Formation, Personal Self, Organizational Identity, Franciscan’s values and Principles, Catholic School


This article conducts a theoretical analysis of the proposal to redefine the ongoing training of teachers, collaborators, and employees of the Franciscan Schools, from the perspective of the Franciscan Itinerary, to reinforce its strategic objective of studying and reflecting on the Franciscan Sources for the reinvigoration of the charisma of Saint Francis in network institutions. To this end, it is necessary to develop training actions that enable the deepening of Franciscan principles, values, and attitudes in school communities, with a view to education for humanization. It presents the formative actions of the Franciscan Itinerary between the years 2021 and 2024 proposed for schools, from the perspective of reinvigorating institutional identity, based on Franciscan philosophical and spiritual foundations, as an invaluable intangible asset. It reflects that such foundations need to be reinforced in educational action, as well as cultivated in the professional lives and pedagogical practices of its professionals, including managers, coordinators, and teachers, in order to foster the emergence of meaningful references for its students both inside and outside the classroom, as well as to positively impact the institution’s brand in the community where it is located.

Author Biography

Inês Alves Lourenço, Sociedade Caritativa e Literária São Francisco de Assis Zona Norte - SCALIFRA-ZN

Possui graduação em Filosofia pela Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras - Imaculada Conceição (1992) e mestrado em Master Of Science em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade Internacional de Lisboa (2005). Atualmente é Presidente da SCALIFRA-ZN e diretora da Escola Franciscana Nossa Senhora de Fátima.



How to Cite

Lourenço, I. A. (2024). THE IDENTITY’ STRENGTHENING AT FRANCISCAN’S SCHOOL. Thaumazein: Revista Online De Filosofia, 17(33), 11–29.