Beyond virtual borders: unraveling immigrant representations in Life is Strange 2




xenophobia, representations, game, prejudice, immigration


The social representations that influence prejudice against immigrants can be seen in various medias, such as films, series, documentaries and even games, like Life Is Strange 2, which tells the story of two brothers of Mexican origins living in the United States and having to deal with grief and loneliness after losing their father and only guardian. Therefore, in this article we set out to understand both how social representations are incorporated into the game Life is Strange 2 as well as how they influence the lives of the two protagonists, and how this can be compared with reality. We conclude that the social representations of immigrants can cause difficulties for this social group living in countries different from their origin and coexisting with people who may judge them by their nationality, so that further studies and perspectives are needed to ensure that this community’s existence is not diminished.

Author Biographies

Ariane Corrêa Ferreira, Universidade Franciscana - UFN

Aluna do Mestrado em Ensino de Humanidades e Linguagens da Universidade Franciscana - UFN. 

Janaina Pereira Pretto Carlesso, Universidade Franciscana - UFN

Doutora. Professora do Mestrado em Ensino de Humanidades e Linguagens da Universidade Franciscana - UFN.

Valeria Iensen Bortoluzzi, Universidade Franciscana - UFN

Doutora. Professora do Mestrado em Ensino de Humanidades e Linguagens da Universidade Franciscana - UFN.

Taís Steffenello Ghisleni, Universidade Franciscana - UFN

Doutora. Professora do Curso de Publicidade e Propaganda e do Mestrado em Humanidades e Linguagens da Universidade Franciscana - UFN. 



How to Cite

Ferreira, A. C., Carlesso, J. P. P., Bortoluzzi, V. I., & Ghisleni, T. S. (2024). Beyond virtual borders: unraveling immigrant representations in Life is Strange 2. Disciplinarum Scientia | Sociais Aplicadas, 20(1), 75–85.


