Impact of cooking methods on the availability of nutrients in foods of plant origin


Palabras clave:

Antioxidantes, Hortaliças, Preparações culinárias, Processamento, Tecnologia de alimentos


Cooking methods can affect the nutrients in food, a practice that can improve the availability of seasonal products, but also affect quantities such as original nutritional and sensory properties. The objective of this work was to provide an overview of the impact of different cooking methods on the availability of nutrients and sensory aspects in products of plant origin. For the review, a bibliographical search was carried out in some databases using the descriptors “cooking methods”, “cooking treatments”, “domestic processing”, “vegetables”, in the period from 2012 to 2023. 7459 articles were found, which after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria resulted in 25 articles. The tubers showed better results when boiling compared to steaming, due to the characteristics of starch, which requires water to gelatinize, thus increasing digestibility. Cooking with skins improved antioxidants, reducing the fact that consuming potatoes with skins can preserve essential nutrients. However, processing legumes can lead to loss of micronutrients due to chemical changes or leaching by water. In relation to sensory aspects, it is stated that the cooking process, in general, causes shine, increases softness and promotes darkening of the color. In short, food preparation methods directly influence the availability and preservation of nutrients. The careful choice of cooking methods can be an effective strategy to preserve the essential nutrients in foods of plant origin, contributing to a healthier and more balanced diet.

Biografía del autor/a

Maria Carla Lopes, Universidade São Francisco - USF

Graduanda do Curso de Nutrição

Geovanna Craveiro Silva, Universidade São Francisco - USF

Graduanda do Curso de Nutrição

Bruna Lago Tagliapietra, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp

Graduada em nutrição pela Universidade Franciscana - UFN (2015), mestra em Ciência e Tecnologia dos Alimentos pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM (2020) e doutoranda em Tecnologia de Alimentos pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas - FEA/UNICAMP, na linha de pesquisa cereais, raízes e tubérculos. Atuou na orientação e desenvolvimento de atividades de extensão junto à agricultura familiar. Tem experiência na área de tecnologia de alimentos, com ênfase em tecnologia e processamento de produtos de origem animal e vegetal, desenvolvimento de produto, composição nutricional, qualidade de alimentos e segurança alimentar.




Cómo citar

Lopes, M. C., Craveiro Silva, G., & Tagliapietra, B. L. (2024). Impact of cooking methods on the availability of nutrients in foods of plant origin. Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde, 25(1), 25–40. Recuperado a partir de


