
  • Francesco Pica


The purpose of the present study is to analyze some of Scotus’ key texts which allow a betterunderstand of his idea of a God orderly and most reasonable willing. The argumentationmoves from the assumption that God’s acting ad extra owes its reasonability not only todivine ideas, but, most importantly, to the intrinsic rationality of his will. Such rationality,understood according to Duns Scotus’ theory of potencies, as a perfection simpliciter simplex,offers a better understanding of all those passages where Scotus, in order to explaintheological issues involved, takes into account God’s orderly willing.



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Cómo citar

Pica, F. (2013). JOHN DUNS SCOTUS ON GOD’S WILL: ORDERLY AND MOST REASONABLE. Thaumazein: Revista Online De Filosofia, 6(11), 06–31. Recuperado a partir de