Nursing assistance in childcare consultation for child development assessment




childhood, nursing, quality of life


During childcare, conducting consultations for childcare plays a crucial role in identifying potential neurodevelopmental delays in infants. Objective: To explore the relevance of nursing support in assessing child development for neurological deficits during childcare consultations in literature published between 2018 and 2023. Methods: A narrative review was conducted using the databases “Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde” and “Scientific Electronic Library Online.” The keywords used were: “childcare advice,” “care,” and “infantile development”; the Boolean operators “or” and “and” were also utilized. Results: A total of 70 articles were found in the Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde and 44 in the Scientific Electronic Library Online. However, only 5 articles from the Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde and 2 from the Scientific Electronic Library Online met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, resulting in a selection of 7 articles for the study. This narrative review reveals vulnerabilities in the approach to childcare and infant development, including the absence of a comprehensive assessment of the child and various barriers that impact the quality of childcare advice. Conclusions: The findings emphasize the significance of ongoing childcare consultations involving health professionals and caregivers to adequately address the child’s needs and ensure healthy growth and development.



Como Citar

Kominek, A., Serbena, D. R., Gusson de Camargo, L. G., Schroeder Abreu, I., Mota Ferreira, L., Marcondes Sari, M. H., Sartori Bonini, J., & Brandão Reolon, J. (2024). Nursing assistance in childcare consultation for child development assessment. Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde, 25(1), 57–66.


