Psychology is white: ethnic-racial implications for training in Psychology



The present study sought to understand the role of Psychology within ethnic-racial relations from a social focus. Based on a literature review, the general objective was to research the insertion of the theme ethnic-racial relations for training in Psychology in Brazil. In addition, the specific objectives are: discuss the psychological impacts of racism in individual and collective spheres; investigate weaknesses in training in Psychology on the theme of ethnic-racial relations; and to study the performance of Social Psychology from ethnic-racial issues. It was possible to demonstrate that racism exerts a great psychological influence on the individual, groups and social relationships, infringing low self-esteem, as well as hate/oppression/exclusion and other stressful consequences that interfere with the mental health of the affected people. Furthermore, it appears that the Brazilian curricula in Psychology remain flawed in dealing with racial issues, approaching them with insufficiency during graduation. The conclusion leads that there are still great challenges for training in Psychology with a view to becoming an instrument of liberation and understanding of the effects of racism in society and in the production of subjectivity, showing that racial relations deserve more attention in undergraduate courses in order to really instigate more critical-reflective professionals with practical performance that is aligned with the Brazilian reality.

Biografía del autor/a

Milena Stoever Bittencourt, Universidade Franciscana

Estudante de graduação em Psicologia cursando o 4º semestre na Universidade Franciscana – UFN, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil.

Diogo Faria Corrêa da Costa, Universidade Franciscana

Docente do Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Franciscana. Mestre em Psicologia Social e Institucional (UFRGS) e Doutorando em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Servidor Público da Secretaria Estadual da Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul.



Cómo citar

Bittencourt, M. S., & Costa, D. F. C. da. (2022). Psychology is white: ethnic-racial implications for training in Psychology. Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde, 23(3), 1–15. Recuperado a partir de


