Sensory analysis of raw and toasted pecan nuts



Nuts are nutritious and well-accepted by the general population, which has increased their consumption. This study analyzed the sensorial characteristics of raw and toasted pecan nuts. In the pre-preparation, the nuts were toasted in an electric oven and air fryer at 180 ºC for 5 and 10 min, stirring every 2.5 min. Sensory analysis was performed using an affective acceptability test using a 9-point hedonic scale, evaluating appearance, odor, texture, and flavor attributes. A higher acceptability average was noticed for pecan nuts toasted for 5 min in the air fryer, followed by roasting for 5 min in an electric oven. However, all samples showed a satisfactory acceptability index above 70%.

Biografia do Autor

Marcelo de Carvalho Santos, Universidade Franciscana

Saúde- Nutrição

Silvana Bertagnolli, Universidade Franciscana

Saúde- Farmácia

Neila Richards, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Centro de Ciências Rurais

Cristiana Basso, Universidade Franciscana

Saúde - Nutrição




Como Citar

Santos, M. de C., Bertagnolli, S., Richards, N., & Basso, C. (2023). Sensory analysis of raw and toasted pecan nuts. Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde, 23(3), 133–141. Recuperado de


