Effect of nanocapsules with naringin and naringenin on oxidative stress parameters in rats stomach


  • Ariane Ribas Pohl
  • Vivian Shinobu Kishimoto Nishihira
  • Carla Fontoura Ferreira
  • Itiane Diehl de Franceschi
  • Morgana Brondani
  • Jessica Tadiello dos Santos
  • Jéssica Dotto de Lara
  • Crystian Barstch Parodi
  • Paola Garcia Machado
  • Mayara Rosa Bernicker
  • Renata Platcheck Raffin
  • Luciane Rosa Feksa
  • Janice Luehring Giongo
  • Rodrigo de Almeida Vaucher
  • Clovis Milton Duval Wannmacher
  • Virginia Cielo Rech


Naringin and naringenin are compounds widely found in citrus fruits and used for various gastrointestinal disorders in Eastern Asia. Moreover, these flavonoids present several beneficial effects such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and hepatoprotective activities. However, they are very susceptible to oxidation and degradation; such obstacles can be overcame by incorporating these compounds into a nanostructured system. At the same time, there is great scientific interest in understanding the mechanisms of action of new formulations in the biological environment. To that end, the oral administration of nanocapsules containing naringin and naringenin were evaluated in oxidative stress parameters, such as measures of 2’7’ dihydro-dichlorofluorescein (DCFH), reactive substances of thiobarbituric acid (TBARS), carbonyls, reduced glutathione (GSH) and catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in the stomach of rats. Nanocapsules containing naringin and naringenin (NN), as well as blank nanocapsules (BN), without the active ones, were produced and characterized according to their developer. The NN, BN, and the free form of compounds (F) were orally administered through intragastric gavage to rats for 28 days. Administration of these nanocapsules and its free form did not alter the levels of DCF, GSH, carbonyls and SOD activity. However, nanostructures reduced TBARS values, and all treatments reduced CAT activity. This study shows that oral administration of nanocapsules containing naringin and naringenin did not cause oxidative stress in the stomach of rats.

How to Cite

Pohl, A. R., Nishihira, V. S. K., Ferreira, C. F., Franceschi, I. D. de, Brondani, M., Santos, J. T. dos, Lara, J. D. de, Parodi, C. B., Machado, P. G., Bernicker, M. R., Raffin, R. P., Feksa, L. R., Giongo, J. L., Vaucher, R. de A., Wannmacher, C. M. D., & Rech, V. C. (2018). Effect of nanocapsules with naringin and naringenin on oxidative stress parameters in rats stomach. Disciplinarum Scientia | Naturais E Tecnológicas, 18(3), 459–471. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumNT/article/view/2271