Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS <p>A Revista <strong><em>Disciplinarum Scientia</em>. Série Ciências da Saúde</strong> (RDS) é um <strong>periódico on-line quadrimestral</strong> organizado pela editora Universidade Franciscana, anteriormente inscrita na versão impressa no ISSN 1982-2111 e a partir do v. 11 n. 1 de 2010 sob número ISSN 2177-3335 na versão on-line.</p> <p dir="ltr">A RDS tem a missão de publicar e disseminar trabalhos científicos inéditos que representam um avanço nas transformações da área da saúde com foco na resolução de problemas que visam intervir no processo saúde/doença. É uma revista inter e multidisciplinar, arbitrada e aberta a contribuições da comunidade científica nacional e internacional.</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Todos os artigos aceitos serão publicados em inglês</strong>, e opcionalmente também no idioma em que foi submetido, podendo ser português ou espanhol, com modalidades de publicação artigos originais e de revisão. <strong>Relatos de caso e de experiência, excepcionalmente, serão aceitos.</strong></p> <p>As publicações da RDS contemplam as áreas da Ciências da Saúde e demais áreas correlatas que tenham como objeto de estudo pesquisas da ciências básicas e aplicadas. </p> <p>A política editorial da RDS limita o número de publicação de artigos, por autor, de duas publicações por ano, independentemente de sua posição na autoria; e não permite a re-submissão de versão modificada de artigo rejeitado.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Todos os autores deverão ser cadastrados na plataforma da revista</span>. É mandatório para todos os autores a inclusão dos dados: Nome completo, filiação, e-mail, ORCID. Quando o trabalho for escrito por vários autores, é preciso ordená-los de acordo com a contribuição de cada um.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">O acesso para submissão e publicação é gratuito.</span></strong></p> <p>- O manuscrito não pode estar sendo avaliado para publicação em outro periódico.</p> <p dir="ltr">- O manuscrito que for submetido fora das normas será rejeitado.</p> <p>- Importante conheça as normas <a href="https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions">aqui</a></p> <p><strong>- Em caso de dúvidas, entre em contato pelo e-mail: <a href="mailto:rdssaude@ufn.edu.br">rdssaude@ufn.edu.br</a></strong></p> pt-BR rdssaude@ufn.edu.br (Disciplinarum Scientia) ti@ufn.edu.br (Tecnologia da Informação) Wed, 10 Apr 2024 09:19:18 -0300 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Health of the elderly woman: a physiotherapy approach https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4669 <p>Objective: To evaluate the sociodemographic profile, functional capacity and cognitive level of elderly women. Method: Quantitative study, carried out with 15 women aged 60 years or over. Results: The sociodemographic results demonstrated that elderly women had a mean age of 70.73 ± 8.4 years, nine of whom (70%) were retired, six (40%) were married and five (35.7%) were illiterate. Among the comorbidities that most affect this population are hypertension (56%), heart failure (20%) and type II diabetes mellitus (16%). It was identified that twelve (80%) do not practice physical activities. In the data referring to the Mini Mental State Examination, six elderly women (42.9%) were identified with scores between 16 and 20 points, suggesting moderate cognitive loss. In the Timed Up and Go test, it was identified that five elderly women (33.3%) had impaired gait as they indicated a time greater than or equal to 30 seconds. Regarding the Tinetti test, (66.7%) were identified with scores between 19 and 24 points, categorizing a moderate risk of falls. Final considerations: It is concluded that elderly women in this age group present a reduction in functional and cognitive capacity, especially after the application of the tests, which is in line with other studies on this topic. However, the importance of the role of the physiotherapist in the Family Health Strategy was noted.</p> Rafaella Paiva, Rodrigo de Souza Balk, Cenir Gonçalves Tier Copyright (c) 2024 Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4669 Fri, 22 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Medication autonomy in children and adolescents: a study in a psychosocial care center for children and adolescents https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4533 <p>Medications are present in the patients’ treatments in mental health and, with that, it is necessary to develop medication autonomy in these patients. To ease this task, pharmaceutical care contributes many benefits to the patients. This article is an action-research study following a qualitative and quantitative model, classified as descriptive and exploratory according to the objective, with its sample selected for convenience. The objective of this study was to identify children’s and adolescents’ autonomy and knowledge in relation to the medications they use. It can be seen that some users are able to use medications independently and that others need the help of those responsible. We conclude that autonomy is extremely important for the development and future of children and adolescents.</p> Daiara Machado da Silva, Mineia Weber Blattes Copyright (c) 2024 Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4533 Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Impact of cooking methods on the availability of nutrients in foods of plant origin https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4836 <p>Cooking methods can affect the nutrients in food, a practice that can improve the availability of seasonal products, but also affect quantities such as original nutritional and sensory properties. The objective of this work was to provide an overview of the impact of different cooking methods on the availability of nutrients and sensory aspects in products of plant origin. For the review, a bibliographical search was carried out in some databases using the descriptors “cooking methods”, “cooking treatments”, “domestic processing”, “vegetables”, in the period from 2012 to 2023. 7459 articles were found, which after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria resulted in 25 articles. The tubers showed better results when boiling compared to steaming, due to the characteristics of starch, which requires water to gelatinize, thus increasing digestibility. Cooking with skins improved antioxidants, reducing the fact that consuming potatoes with skins can preserve essential nutrients. However, processing legumes can lead to loss of micronutrients due to chemical changes or leaching by water. In relation to sensory aspects, it is stated that the cooking process, in general, causes shine, increases softness and promotes darkening of the color. In short, food preparation methods directly influence the availability and preservation of nutrients. The careful choice of cooking methods can be an effective strategy to preserve the essential nutrients in foods of plant origin, contributing to a healthier and more balanced diet.</p> Maria Carla Lopes, Geovanna Craveiro Silva, Bruna Lago Tagliapietra Copyright (c) 2024 Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4836 Fri, 10 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Access and use of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in the city of Santa Maria, RS https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4715 <p>Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) began to be offered in the city of Santa Maria, in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), in November 2020, and until August 2022 it was intended for key populations considered more exposed to HIV infection. Due to the short time of PrEP use in the city, limited information on access and utilization of prophylaxis is available. Thus, this study aimed to identify the sociodemographic profile and PrEP use in the city of Santa Maria. Data from 180 users who initiated prophylaxis between November 2020 and August 2022 were analyzed. Of these, 103 (57.3%) were correctly adhering to prophylaxis, while 77 (42.7%) discontinued its use. The sociodemographic profile of users consisted of cisgender men, homosexuals, white, aged between 18 and 24 years old, with ≥12 years of education, without a stable relationship, and residing in the central region. Regarding PrEP use, 78.8% (n=142/180) belonged to the population of gays and other men who have sex with men, 62.8% (n=113/180) were regularly using the medication, and 75% (n=135/180) reported no adverse events related to PrEP. A low incidence of sexually transmitted infections was observed. The results underscore the need for strategies aimed at reaching the population most vulnerable to HIV infection in the city and understanding the factors leading to its discontinuation.</p> Mileny Rosalina Galvão, Jarbas da Silva Ziani, Bibiana Leticia Nogara, João Vitor Pendeza Gonçalves, Isadora Machado Sarmento, Caroline Arend Birrer, Clandio Timm Marques, Francielle Liz Monteiro Copyright (c) 2024 Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4715 Fri, 10 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Nursing assistance in childcare consultation for child development assessment https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4794 <p>During childcare, conducting consultations for childcare plays a crucial role in identifying potential neurodevelopmental delays in infants. Objective: To explore the relevance of nursing support in assessing child development for neurological deficits during childcare consultations in literature published between 2018 and 2023. Methods: A narrative review was conducted using the databases “Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde” and “Scientific Electronic Library Online.” The keywords used were: “childcare advice,” “care,” and “infantile development”; the Boolean operators “or” and “and” were also utilized. Results: A total of 70 articles were found in the Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde and 44 in the Scientific Electronic Library Online. However, only 5 articles from the Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde and 2 from the Scientific Electronic Library Online met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, resulting in a selection of 7 articles for the study. This narrative review reveals vulnerabilities in the approach to childcare and infant development, including the absence of a comprehensive assessment of the child and various barriers that impact the quality of childcare advice. Conclusions: The findings emphasize the significance of ongoing childcare consultations involving health professionals and caregivers to adequately address the child’s needs and ensure healthy growth and development.</p> Andressa Kominek, Daniel Rodrigo Serbena, Luiz Gustavo Gusson de Camargo, Isabella Schroeder Abreu, Luana Mota Ferreira, Marcel Henrique Marcondes Sari, Juliana Sartori Bonini, Jéssica Brandão Reolon Copyright (c) 2024 Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4794 Thu, 23 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The role of primary health care nurses in the care of women victims of violence https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4795 <p>Violence Against Women (VAW) is recognized as a significant violation upon human rights, specifically encroaching upon women’s entitlements to life, health, and physical well-being. It has the potential to impact women across different social classes, age groups, beliefs, marital statuses, and sexual orientations, regardless of geographical location. This study aims to determine the specific responsibilities and contributions of primary health care nurses in providing care for women who have experienced violence. To accomplish this goal, we conducted a preliminary investigation using a quantitative methodology in April 2022. This investigation involved administering a questionnaire consisting of 12 questions to a sample of 25 primary health care nurses in the municipality of Bento Gonçalves/RS - in the south of Brazil. We used descriptive statistics to analyze the data. The primary findings indicate a deficiency in the understanding of existing legislation pertaining to violence against women among nurses, as well as a lack of adequate training provided by higher education institutions for future professionals. It is crucial to provide comprehensive training to healthcare professionals on legislation, enabling them to effectively inform victims about their rights and relevant support services.</p> Marina Borges Bueira da Silva, Janaina Samantha Martins de Souza, Juliana Matte Copyright (c) 2024 Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4795 Thu, 23 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Sun exposure and photoprotection habits among rural workers in the municipality of Guaraciaba https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4752 <p>Brazilians are frequently exposed to the effects of intense and prolonged sun exposure through recreational and occupational activities. Rural workers, who are exposed to the sun on a daily basis, are particularly at risk of developing skin cancer. Hence, this study aims to evaluate the sun exposure habits and photoprotection measures adopted by rural workers living in a small municipality in western Santa Catarina. This exploratory research administered questionnaires to rural workers between November 2022 and March 2023. Most participants (75%) were over 50 years old, with 79% having a low level of education and only having completed elementary school. Moreover, 96% have worked in the field for more than 10 years, and almost half of those interviewed (47%) are exposed to the sun for 4-8 hours a day. Additionally, several gaps were identified in terms of adopting photoprotection measures. The majority of interviewees (85%) reported using wide-brimmed hats as a protective measure, followed by wearing long clothing (60%) and using sunscreen (52%). It is worth noting that 49% of respondents do not reapply sunscreen, compromising its effectiveness. Based on the findings, this study highlights the potential risk of occupational skin cancer among this population and emphasizes the need to raise awareness about the risks of excessive sun exposure and the importance of individual protection measures.</p> Giulia Bárbara Conte , Ana Paula Christ Copyright (c) 2024 Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4752 Mon, 27 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Potentialities and fragilities in first contact access as perceived by nurses https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4797 <p>Objective: To evaluate the attribute First Contact Access in the perception of the professional nurse. Methodology: Descriptive, qualitative study carried out with nurses from the Family Health Strategy in a city in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Results and discussion: The nurse professional’s perception of the first contact access attribute was evident, in view of its strengths and weaknesses. Final considerations: According to the perception of health professionals, the essential attribute first-contact access has potentialities such as welcoming, bonding and spontaneous demand and weaknesses such as lack of access, lack of professionals and social vulnerability.</p> Livia Brum de Brum, Êmilly Barcelos Petter, Claudia Maria Ferrony Rivas , Artur Vernier Stochero , Keity Laís Siepmann Soccol , Naiana Oliveira dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4797 Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Organizational and occupational psychology: practice and use of assessment instruments and psychological testing https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4648 <p>Occupational and Organizational Psychology (OOP) has gone through changes over the years, therefore, understanding its historical concept and associating it to the contemporary processes is of paramount importance, especially regarding the use of Assessment Instruments and Psychological Testing as a mechanism that contributes to the performance of psychologists in the organizations. Thus, the objective of this article was to understand the work of Occupation and Organizational Psychologists while managing Psychological Assessments and using Psychological Testing, emphasizing their importance in the business organization. To develop this work, a bibliographic, qualitative narrative review was used, based on the LILACS, MedLine, and Psychology Index databases, through BVS and Sciello, in addition to books for conceptual support. As a result, 14 articles were obtained, duly evaluated by Minayo’s content analysis (2012). These data revealed that currently the importance of Occupational and Organizational Psychologists has been evident, since on average 30% of psychologists are taking up space in organizations, working in the Human Resources sector, a fact that points to an evolution of the profession and shows the importance of being anchored in both theory and practice. Considering their performance, the use of Psychological Assessment Instruments and Psychological Testing provides support to the professional in order to validate the Psychologists’ hypotheses, interpretations and perceptions, thus bringing responsible and reliable results to the organizations. Based on what was analyzed, it can be concluded that, to keep up with the changes in the modern world, it is necessary to understand the historical evolution of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (OOP) in order to relate it to social, economic and technological changes in the work environment. To this end, the work of Psychology professionals within business organizations must be supported by innovative tools that contribute to their performance, considering that these instruments support and assist the work of organizational psychologists by increasing its effectiveness and reliability through indicators that assess the interventions carried out.</p> Patrícia Rodrigues Elias, Kátia Simone da Silva Silveira Copyright (c) 2024 Disciplinarum Scientia | Saúde https://periodicos.ufn.edu.br/index.php/disciplinarumS/article/view/4648 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300